ATTENTION: Do not ever attempt to carry a large cake alone because this could result in injury to you and to the cake.
Some things just do not go together. |
And despite the warnings this still happens, often with disastrous consequences which will linger forever. More often than not it’s an over confident drunken groom at the root of the tears and years worth of entertainment.
It is gut wrenching to witness a nervous bride watch her new (drunken) husband carry a tiered wedding cake to the car. As always, an annoying (know it all) mother in law has a few stern words before the action; but a young cocky groom (always) knows better.
He confidently lifts the cake up in one swoop and starts his dash toward the car as if he were a rugby player making a run for the try line. In true rugby club fashion his boozed up mates cheer him on from the sidelines.
Much like watching a rugby game, our groom in this case is like the forward who is not the most agile player in team. But on receiving the ball, his initial reaction is to hesitate but then starts his run for the line, convincing himself that this is HIS time to prove all his detractors wrong (i.e. coach = mom in law). He gets into his stride and light-footedly side steps his opponents (= the odd chair and family member) carrying the prized cargo toward the line which now comes into sight, followed by a general sigh of relief by the crowd.
But then; it happens.
The sigh of relief quickly turns into a gasp followed by the customary (as if choreographed) “oh shit” followed by muffled sniggers. Our groom has just spilled the cake. He stands in utter disbelief at what has just happened, not realising the extent of his all mighty cock up. The bride comes out. He looks at her. It dawns on him.
Whether it’s a drunken groom or clumsy rugby player such ‘mistakes’ will be remembered for years to come and may even land up on YouTube. And just when you think you’ve lived it down, sorry mate but after 10 years of hiding somebody is going to remind you of that bitter (with icing sugar) sweet day.