Monday, 5 November 2012

Thank you

Never give up. Perserverance builds character.
  Firstly, I wish to thank God, without whom, I know I would not have been able to achieve anything, let alone being here to post this blog today. Thank you to my wife for her support over the last two years; and thank you too my family for being a perfect source of inspiration. And lastly, thank you too all my lecturers for your insight and guidance and then my classmates without whom this journey would have been lonely. All of the best in your future endeavours.

A favourite (family) past time

What could be better than nothing but nature?
  Camping is probably one of my families most treasured past times. As a child, my parents weren’t particularly keen on the outdoors life, largely due to the fact that I think my father was scared of creepy crawlies, therefore family holidays were almost always confined to hotel rooms.

As a result, I promised myself that camping would become a part of our future family holidays. I am fortunate to have a wife who is super enthusiastic about camping for us both the whole camping experience embodies the total freedom to just relax. It allows us the opportunity to interact with nature (fishing and the exploration of the world around you) and best of all not being confined to a hotel room.  Attached to the freedom, our best memories centre on the camp fire, the ability to run and walk bare feet, and shedding the pressures and pretences imposed by city life.

We’re extremely fortunate in the Western Cape to be spoilt with a variety of camping options including the bare bones solitary camping experience or the more deluxe communal experience. Let it be said, camping isn’t for everyone, but given the chance it does tend to grow on one. I am thankful for all the times that my family and I have had to go camping, and I cannot wait for the next time that we can pack the car, load up everyone and hit the road. What can I say, camping IS our primitive little break from the norm and where memories are made.

I love my life right now!

Give thanks to the Lord!
'I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and oil.' - Deuteronomy 11:14

I love my life right now. I am in want of nothing. I am at my happiest. I am alive.

Knowing the circumstances that I have battled and where I stand today, I am blessed and thankful. Although I am not a captain of industry, I don’t drive a sporty super saloon, nor I don’t live in a flashy neighbourhood, I am truly content with my life. I am appreciative of that which I have because I see many people around me in South Africa who have way less than I do. They are downtrodden and have it way worse than I do. So bearing that in mind there isn’t much that I can do but too really love my life right now, and be thankful to the Lord My God, for blessing me with his abundance.

Friday, 2 November 2012

The last lecture

Counting down the days!
  I didn’t think that I would have the privilege of looking forward to the last lecture when I first started my BTech in 2011. Today, way back then seemed so far, and now it’s merely a matter of days before it all comes to an end.  

My time as a BTech student has been a major learning curve, not only academically but it has also shown me that by the grace of God I am able to accomplish anything (through Him) no matter what life may throw at me. I am pleased that I only embarked on this journey at the tender age of 34, and not any time sooner. In hindsight I don’t think I was adequately prepared, and that I needed to grow up to fully appreciate and digest the lessons learnt. This experience has inspired me so much that I aim to pursue my MTech studies in 2014. To all my lecturers during my tenure as a part time student, I would like to thank you for your support and guidance.

Will this day matter in five years?

Take some time to consider the question!
  In five years from now, I have no clue where I will be or what I’ll be doing, but I do know that this day will matter? Why? Simply because what I do today will have an effect on something or someone, somewhere and at sometime, and thus, how I live my life today will have an effect on my tomorrow.

To clarify what I actually mean; if I were to learn a new skill today, it may have a negligible impact on my career path today or tomorrow; but I do believe that it will inevitably have an impact on my career path over the next five years. Whether the effect is deemed positive or negative in the immediate is immaterial; the moral of the story is that whatever we do while we are alive should be done with a sense of purpose, and that whatever it is we have done (seen and unseen) we need to have the peace of mind that our actions will eventually have a positive impact on the world (even IF it is in five years time). So, will this day matter in five years? Yes. We may not remember today then, but it’s safe to say that today will have an impact in some way on our lives then.

The excitement of house hunting – Part 5

Always be prepared to get your hands dirty!
  Picture this, you now have your dream home, but the honeymoon phase wears off, and one starts to notice those glaring areas of the home that needs some TLC. As mentioned previously these jobs should ideally be done soon, because failure to do so will in all likelihood result in the job never getting done. To successfully complete these little jobs mastering the art of DIY (quickly) becomes critical.

DIY no matter what anyone says is not easy, and it comes with practice. To ensure some measure of success, always ensure that you equip yourself with the proper quality tools. Here are 10 of the most important to have in a growing DIY toolbox:

1.       Claw hammer
2.       Flathead screwdriver
3.       Phillips (star) screwdriver
4.       Tape measure, and
5.       Adjustable wrench
6.       Pliers
7.       Saw
8.       Drill (preferably a cordless)
9.       Spirit level
10.   Utility knife (preferably a Leatherman)

A word of advice, spend a little bite extra buying quality tools, they last so much longer, giving you less stress than cheapie gear.

Will we ever be satisfied with what we have?

Life is not made up of what we possess!
  What is the human race’s incessant desire for more possessions? What is it that we still need to acquire to be truly satisfied? Has money and possessions ever been found to be the missing link between us and true happiness?

Don’t get me wrong, there isn’t anything morally wrong living a comfortable lifestyle and spoiling oneself, but somewhere one surely needs to draw the line between excessive and unnecessary spending to fill a void in one’s life in pursuit of happiness. How much stuff must be accrued in a lifetime to attain la dolce vita? Surely there are simpler things in life far more precious than the acquisition and accrual of possessions. The question begs to be answered, has the world in its madness to acquire stuff and the need to fill a void eclipsed the ability to appreciate the simple things in life?

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Is it possible to lie without saying a word?

The Pinocchio syndrome?

   Being able to lie without saying a word is probably one of the easiest things to do on earth. Baring false witness i.e. not coming to someone’s aid when for example they have been accused of wrong doing when in fact you know they are innocent is telling a lie without saying a word. This IS however a phenomenon which is plays out in the world on a daily basis. I know I am guilty of having done exactly that in my lifetime. The question IS will I do it again? I don’t know, I can only pray to God that I do not. Doing so I know I am placing more than just me and my salvation at stake. Think twice before telling a lie without even uttering a word.

Favourite dining experiences

What good food SHOULD taste like

  Without a shadow of a doubt Steers has to be my all time favourite dining experience. As long as I can remember Steers has come to my aid with a meal that I could always count on, night and or day, sober or inebriated. I’m sorry McDonalds, but your food sucks. Its glorified box food in a box, that is tasteless and a simply depressing excuse for a meal. Steers on the other hand, well IS sexy, inviting and as I am sure you can tell has turned me into a fan for life.

If anyone from Steers reads this, I am available as a Steers ambassador in the future.

Monday, 29 October 2012

The excitement of house hunting – Part 4

  Always be very aware of unscrupulous estate agents in today’s market. In today’s day and age where ‘sealing the deal’ is tantamount to almost all estate agents, some will resort to unethical tactics to get the house sold. They will lie straight to your face; they will inflate prices simply to make more on the commission. The bottom line is; estate agents are developing reputations as sharks, almost as despised as lawyers.   To avoid such tactics always DO YOUR HOMEWORK on a reputable agency to sell your home.

DO YOUR HOMEWORK on reputable agencies to source you a suitable home. Tantamount to this is one has to do extra homework on the area that you’re interested in, visit the nearest police station to get a low down on the crime stats. Visit it on a rainy morning to assess access points to and from the area, congestion in and out of the area (foot as well as vehicular). These are factors that one has to be mindful of and take personal responsibility for and should not rely on an estate agent to bear witness. Moral of the story is to always do your homework, conduct reconnaissance missions into the area and of the estate agents; it’s best to do so before, rather than have regrets later.

What would you regret not fully doing in your life?

  One thing I would probably regret was not ever fulfilling my God given potential. Potential in what you may ask? The potential to assist the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and its faculty’s and projects source funding for the wonderful work that is done. I was given the opportunity to return to my Alma Mater in the capacity of fundraiser or Advancement Officer. I can unreservedly state that where I work IS where I am supposed to be. And it is by no luck either. This appointment was by God’s intervention and His intervention alone. Therefore, not making full use of the opportunity and not working to make a change in this institution, I’d consider it going against God’s plan for me here at CPUT.

If presented with the opportunity to get a message to a large group of people, what would your message be?

It doesn't cost you anything to be kind
  This silver bullet doesn’t cost a thing. My message or silver bullet would simply be to encourage the large group of people to be nice/ helpful/ honest/ truthful/ caring to one another. As I said it doesn’t cost you or I anything to be nice toward your fellow (human being) citizen. In fact it is probably one of the easiest things to do.

Think about it, being positive in a stressful situation is easier (and less stressful) than being negative in the situation. Exhibiting a positive (happy) attitude is a whole lot easier and less taxing than being miserable. Being polite is certainly much easier than being rude. Why? Because all of us are inherently good people and we do really appreciate it when someone is nice toward us, and deep down we all want to be able to repay the niceness. Admittedly we all have bad days and have all been born into the world which is by its very nature evil, but inherently we are all good. So, my message whether to a group of two or to a group of 2 billion, it is allot easier to actually smile than it is to frown, so why not be nice to one another.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

How easily we get suckered into cell phone contracts

When will we ever learn?
  We all have in some way since the tech boom fallen prey to what seemed like a deal to good to pass up on, only to realise after the first three months, you’ve been stiffed. And no matter the amount of complaining or scathing emails or hello peter complaints, you get brushed off as if you’re an annoying gnat.

Mobile service providers as we all know have become so bloody big that they don’t really care what we as consumers think, because they know at the end of the day, we reliant on them. I mean what are we going to do, go back to sending letters by post or rely on Telkom for a decent telecommunication service? I think not. So the way I see it is stiffed if you do (take out a contract with anyone of them), and stiffed f you don’t (because Telkom can certainly be any better).

The prospect of 2013

What will you have to show for YOUR time?
This year has flown by, hasn’t it? Yes, yes, the cliché is as old as the hills, but good heavens, “This year HAS flown by, hasn’t it!” As yet another year draws to a close and as we sit back reflect on the year that was, what will be remembered about it most? Will there be on significant moment that stands head and shoulders above the rest? Whatever it was, be thankful that you had the opportunity to experience it and treasure (and if possible build on it), because time is precious.

 There are so very many precious moments this year many of them were spent with family, but there have also been many memories made at work. As a result of my work I am very fortunate to be able to engage with very many different people, from different walks of life, that I would normally never have engaged with. I can undoubtedly say that each interaction has left an indelible mark (for the better) on me. I am thankful to the Lord my God for each of those people, because had I not the opportunity, my work (and life) could easily have been quite dull. Moral of the story is, never discount anyone you may meet during the course of a day in your life. It is what seems like an insignificant interaction that can often result in something significantly life changing.

The excitement of house hunting – Part 3

Do your sums early!

Finances are always a pain the rear end, but before embarking on any house hunting mission it is vital to have it together. One area of particular importance is once you have the home loan, how does one actually manage it? Here are a few tips on how to reduce the home loan (or bond).  

1. The bigger the deposit, the better (it reduces the capital and monthly interest paid)
2. Secure a lower interest rate (by making use of a bond originator)
3. Pay extra each month (VB!!!! Pay a little extra per month. Every little bit counts.)
4. Pay in unbudgeted extras (IF you have a little extra cash – pay it into the bond)
5. Beat the interest calculation (by making payments earlier rather than later I the month)

These simple steps if adopted can and will make a huge difference down the line. Hang onto them and have a less stress free 20 years while paying off the home loan on your dream home.

Who do you love and what are you doing about it?

Not all supermen wear a cape!
I love my wife. And maybe I don’t tell her often enough, but in those times that I fail to tell her I always try my best to show her exactly how much I love and appreciate her. As a typical male, showing emotion can sometimes be a little daunting, so instead of being all mushy, I undertake to do little for her that would make her life easier. One often underestimates the value of the simple things in life and the value that someone else places on those things. In our situation, I would make sure that my wife’s car is always in suitable (mechanical) condition or I'll tfix something that has stopped working around the house. This is just one expression of my outward love that I have for her. I know she appreciates it, and the fact that she appreciates it, makes me want to do more for her. 

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

Sweet memories
Well IF I didn’t know how old I was and were to choose an age where I’d probably be happiest, then I would probably be sixteen. For me, being sixteen was a very ‘wholesome’ age; where I was still relatively naive about the world and its goings on but also wise enough about other areas of life and the world and its goings on.

It was also a time when life was relatively uncomplicated for me, when there weren’t any real concerns. Also it was a time when there wasn’t peer pressure to have a girlfriend or at least be seeing anyone on a steady basis. It was thereafter that girls, partying and the likes that life became complicated. Things were great as a sixteen year old, I was happy and so was the world around me. 

Thursday, 18 October 2012

The statute of limitations has expired on most of our childhood trauma

Only YOU can paint your own rainbow.
  Indeed, the statute of limitations on most of our childhood trauma has expired; except it doesn’t mean that the scars aren’t there. Instead of feeling sorry for oneself and wallowing in self pity one should rather be thankful to have been spared from it all. I too have my own story to tell, but that is in the past. By the grace of God I was saved from the trauma and was given the opportunity to turn a new leaf, breaking free and being able look forward to what lies ahead, instead of that which was lost. Since the attitude shift my life has taken on a more positive outlook.

To those reading this blog, I am not saying that you shouldn’t feel hurt or be angry. All that I am saying is that the choice to allow the traumatic experience/s to govern your present and future is yours. You possess the power to break the traumatic cycle plaguing your life now and forever more.

Of all the forms of courage the ability to laugh is the most …

Give yourself a break.

  The ability to laugh at one self when you know you’ve just made a complete fool of yourself is without a doubt the most courageous act (of self). The leveller of all men is their ability to laugh at themselves and boldly move forward.

The ability to poke fun at oneself shows others, “I’m human; I’m flawed and not perfect”. Sometimes this is difficult often because people take themselves too seriously. When did we all at one stage become too serious? When did we lose our ability to laugh as IF we were kids again? Give yourself a break, be courageous, and have a good look in the mirror and laugh at yourself.

When you’re his age, (over 80) what will matter to you most?

Walking the road less travelled.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” – Matthew 6:33

Well IF I am granted the opportunity to live to the ripe old age of 80, I can only hope that I have lived a productive life and that I have fulfilled God’s purpose for my life. Do I know what it is right now? No, but I do know that I am on His path, and I’m being directed day by day. What I also do know is that I need to remain obedient and to live a life in accordance with that which has been set out in the Bible (as pet the life of Jesus). Ultimately, when I stand before the God one day and I have to account for the life that I have lived as a Christian, I just hope that it would have been a life lived in servitude to the Lord.

The excitement of house hunting – Part 2

Choose wisely
  The predicament when house hunting is this; there are so many neighbourhoods we’d love to live in but often many of them are beyond our means. This is a reality in today’s South African housing market; homes are ridiculously (over) priced. But take heart this doesn’t mean that you cannot still go view those homes.

The plus side of viewing homes that is out of one’s reach is that one gets to see what designer living is often all about. Viewing such homes gives one the ability to dream BIG of all the mod cons that one would eventually want in one’s own home. It’s a blank canvas and why not have a ball, who ever said you cannot live in your own Conde Naste magazine? So, before setting your heart on any home, no matter how perfect you may think it is, go house hunting and I think this is the only time that stealing from someone else would be classified a crime.

What irks me most about the modern day South African striker?

Where will it end?

  Post apartheid South Africa has a long history of service sector strikes, largely as a result of wage disputes, impoverished working conditions etc. Like myself there are many South Africans that sympathise with those workers, especially when they go on strike for a better wage or improved working conditions.

HOWEVER, when those very same strikers embark on a hostile pursuit for better wages and working conditions, endangering civilian lives in the process, then I lose any sympathy for their plight. In fact my blood boils, and sympathy turns into riotous support for the police and their use of force to subdue the hostile strikers. Who has given these strikers the right to harm (or kill) anyone in their pursuit for a better way of life? In my mind, they’re no better than the gangster on the Cape Flats who robs and kills for his own selfish purpose. This abhorrent mentality cannot be blamed on the age old scapegoat, apartheid. I personally blame the greedy unions and the blasé attitudes of the bigwigs who own the mines (politicians included) who have allowed this mob mentality to spiral out of control. I actually shudder at the thought of what they’ll do the next time they go on strike.

The excitement of house hunting – Part 1

Where to begin?
  I personally don’t think that there is much that can rival the excitement of house hunting. As soon to be graduates, the prospect of buying one’s (first) home will certainly take centre stage in the next few years, IF it hasn’t done so already. The anxiety, the excitement, and the butterflies in one’s tummy as you embark on one of the most (financially) committing life experiences ever are to be treasured. It’s a really wonderful feeling though; don’t let anyone dissuade you from taking the leap.

A word of advice though, If there are any alterations of changes that you envisage making, make them within the first year of taking ownership (financially dependent of course) because thereafter, as one tends to settle into the home, one becomes more complacent and sooner rather than later the changes you first wanted to make, somehow becomes a distant memory.

Are you holding something that you need to let go?

Let go and live!
  I think most of us struggle with letting go of something at some point in our lives. Whether it’s an unresolved hurt or unrequited love, holding onto something too tightly for years is bad for your health.

Sure we remain angry at someone for hurting us (physically or emotionally) few hours or a day or two, but thereafter one has to move. However it’s the long term baggage that one drags along like hate or pent up anger that it is the poisonous stuff.  You’re not doing yourself any favours by harbouring emotions when the other person probably doesn’t even know that you’re angry at them; after all there’s little point in drinking the poison and waiting in anticipation for the other person to die. Get a grip and move on.

Is South Africa the next Zimbabwe?

Where to from here?
Once upon a time I met someone who was very much a part of South Africa’s liberation struggle and after almost 16 years in exile recounted the following to his siblings while in Zimbabwe waiting to return to SA.

Thabo Mbeki has the ability to be great, but he’s head was stuck way to far up his own rear end and would be an obvious successor to Madiba as a result of his well to do education. However he would not be very successful because he would not be able to command the loyal support of the masses. JZ on the other hand who as a result of his lack of (well to do) education would not be a suitable successor to Madiba, but is one who held the loyal support of the masses, and herein came his warning. Beware the man who comes from the mass and promises to radically change his people’s lives (much like Robert Mugabe) but is actually devoid of any real character and who will eventually abuse his seat of power to such a degree to benefit his own purpose that (MY i.e. the person’s) South Africa is going to suffer terribly. It is interesting to note that this warning came 21 years ago.

If this person was able to foretell that which has happened in Zimbabwe in recent times, under the rule of ol’ Bob, what does that spell for us South African’s under the rule of JZ? Are we headed to become like another Zimbabwe under the rule of JZ and the ANC?

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Only bad things happen quickly

Getting busted needn't always be bad.
Well I’d rather have bad things happen quickly than have it drag out and prolong the anguish. Unfortunately, what we want (or how we want it) is not always what we get. Not only bad things always happen quickly. Sometimes the most joyous moments in life pass by in a flash, and they are never able to be recreated. But in the same breath not all bad things that happen in life are bad.
Yes, that’s what I said, because sometimes bad things happens and are drawn out simply to teach us a life lesson, which if heeded often turns out to be of great value in the future.

So, if all bad things happened quickly we’d have no real concept of consequence. Sometimes the bad needs to be drawn out and the after effects felt (whether emotional physical or mental) so that, we learn (from experience) never to do them again. So as much we would like to think that only bad things happen quickly, it’s not always the case sometimes, but rest assured that most time there’s always silver lining at the end of it all.

Would you break the law to save a loved one?

My life is in your hands Lord.
This is a very difficult question to answer, but I would have to say NO. If a loved one has broken the law resulting in them being in trouble, then I would have NO qualms of not bailing them out of the situation. WHY? Well simply because, I would expect that none of my loved would ever put themselves into a situation where the law is transgressed e.g. drinking and driving, possession of illegal contraband or committing of an illegal act.

If that is the case, are there situations where I would break the law to save a loved one? IF it requires me to protect an (innocent) loved one whose life is in danger by no fault of their own, and only through breaking the law can their life be saved, then yes, I would.  The line needs to be drawn between where the loved one has willingly put themselves in a dangerous situation and/ or where the life threatening situation has been involuntarily imposed on them. I do however acknowledge that none of these decisions are mine to make, my life and my family’s sits squarely in the hands of God.  And in God I trust, to keep me and them, my loved ones safe from harm’s way.

Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid

I can do all things ...
  This statement sounds almost biblical, and conjures up innumerable scenarios in my mind, but the one that stands head and shoulders above the rest is the story of David and Goliath. The fundamental base of the story is that we (like David) need to stand boldly (in faith) in the face of adversity and not giving in to an attitude of premature defeat just because our adversary is a giant.
It is in these situations that our unwavering faith (like David) along with an innate instinct to survive is what allows us to summons mighty forces (from the heavenly realm) an in doing so coming to one’s aid.

 In a nutshell, we all have the ability (power like David that comes through faith in God) to overcome that which seems like an insurmountable task. Were we often stumble is as a result of how we approach the ‘insurmountable task’ and is critical in breaking it down. Once we firstly have our mindset right are we then able to call on the mighty forces at our disposal, and this can come as a result of prayer, meditation, or something as trivial as talking a walk in the park.  So next time, you’re facing a brick wall or giant, be quiet, bold in your thinking (and faith) and summons those mighty forces not only to scale the wall, but also smash through any other walls that may be set your path in life.

My TOP 20 bucket list

So much to do, so little time.

Realistically speaking this would take way too much time. So what I’ve scaled down my Top 100 into MY Top 20. They’re far more realistic and I am certain that I can achieve them before I croak. In nor order of importance, they are:

1.       Sky dive (because this is something insane I have always dreamt of)
2.       Swim with sharks (because they are majestic misunderstood animals of the deep)
3.       Swim with crocodiles (because they’re the most unassuming predators)
4.       Travel to Turkey (because it is a treasure trove of both European and Middle Eastern history)
5.       Name my unborn son – Jesse (who was the father of Kind David in the Bible)
6.       Bungee jump from the Bloukraans bridge (this should actually be last on the list)
7.       Drive a race car (to experience the exhilaration of high speed in a monitored environment)
8.       Be able to spend another Christmas with my entire family (because they’re special)
9.       Be able to lead someone to the Lord (and have them experience the love of the Lord)
10.   To cheer for my football team at a live game (because MY blood is BLUE. Chelsea forever)
11.   To have lived a life in accordance with God’s will and purpose for my life.
12.   Treat myself and my wife to a super luxury holiday (to Istanbul in Turkey)
13.   Wake up in a tent along the Amazon River (I love camping and the Amazon is the ideal campsite)
14.   Own another motorbike – my dream bike (a CBR 600F – nothing extravagant)
15.   Help the less fortunate with their basic needs (I try to do so daily)
16.   Help the youth of our country make wise choices (because unwise choices are killing our youth)
17.   To live in the countryside (and wake up to the sound of birds chirping and NOT hearing any cars)
18.   Learn to surf (because the appeal is so strong despite the fear of the ocean being numbing)
19.   Overcome my fear of propeller planes (from which I will jump – killing two birds with 1 jump)
20.   Win the lotto (and donate it to worthy charities because there are many who are in dire need)