Monday, 29 October 2012

If presented with the opportunity to get a message to a large group of people, what would your message be?

It doesn't cost you anything to be kind
  This silver bullet doesn’t cost a thing. My message or silver bullet would simply be to encourage the large group of people to be nice/ helpful/ honest/ truthful/ caring to one another. As I said it doesn’t cost you or I anything to be nice toward your fellow (human being) citizen. In fact it is probably one of the easiest things to do.

Think about it, being positive in a stressful situation is easier (and less stressful) than being negative in the situation. Exhibiting a positive (happy) attitude is a whole lot easier and less taxing than being miserable. Being polite is certainly much easier than being rude. Why? Because all of us are inherently good people and we do really appreciate it when someone is nice toward us, and deep down we all want to be able to repay the niceness. Admittedly we all have bad days and have all been born into the world which is by its very nature evil, but inherently we are all good. So, my message whether to a group of two or to a group of 2 billion, it is allot easier to actually smile than it is to frown, so why not be nice to one another.

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