Not that it’s a problem, but some employers don’t seem to grasp the concept that coercing your employees into learning ‘new tricks’ while wielding a whip or in SA’s case a sjambok, is a sure fire way of getting the job done, BUT at what cost. Whatever happened to if it don’t broke, don’t try and fix it?
We’ll gladly learn new tricks Mr. Employer to stay ahead of the game (and to ensure our survival) but you’re eventually going to be left with a seriously tricky (miserable) dog. Appreciate that which you have in a sound and dedicated workforce. Don’t neglect us, while pandering to your own ego.
NOTE: No animals OR employers were harmed during the writing of this piece.
I've had a few experiences of my own with this... "I'm giving you new tools to do your job better, so understand it and do it fast" (so I can make more money) and make the assembly line move faster!