Wednesday, 28 March 2012

When to say No?

Where does one draw the line?

This is a problem many people have in today’s age. We’re all so eager to please, that we’ve been scared into saying yes all the time. Why?

Have we become a generation of Yes men and women? Have we lost our ability to say no to our boss when work infringes on family time?  Have we become doormats to overbearing and  demanding partners?

Being a Yes person 24/7 isn't going to win you any prizes. More stress maybe, but that’s about it. Where do we draw the line, how much more sick and stressed do we have to become before we break the cycle of yes? Press the NO button for a change; and I can promise you that you’re not going to lose your job or your relationship as a result of it.

How do you step from the top of a 100-foot pole?

Close your eyes & take a leap of faith

Were you ever to find yourself in such a ridiculous situation, you’d either need a few cases of Red Bull OR an unshakable Faith. The unknown and “what may happen next” would be the most agonizing question that a caffeine charged drink is NOT going answer.

Faith according to the Bible is defined as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. It is also defined as belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.

We can therefore conclude that it is the trust and belief in something either very small or not seen. And so like many things in life we simply need to step out in faith, irrespective of the perceived consequence. End result? Red Bull drinkers 0 – Faithful 1.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Another helping of bad service anyone? – Part 1

Give us what WE want, NOT what you think we want.

South Africa ranked 34th in 2010 (out of 183 countries) in an annual survey conducted by the World Bank and International Finance Corporation. Now that sounds real good, but as far as I am concerned the service in corporate SA still sucks lemons.

Recently a certain blue bank increased my credit card limit without MY authorisation. On another occasion a car dealership refused to honour its warranty. Maybe I’ve just had bad luck. Both occasions it took me countless phone calls to get to the bottom of each of the matters.

WHY is that we remain so (stupidly) committed to institutions that has so little regard for the consumer? Have WE (as consumers) created the bad service monster in SA? Have we fostered the culture by being a nation of apathetic consumers, by accepting our lot?

I’m certain that you know what I’m talking about. Share your bad service/s stories and HOW you managed to get them resolved.

WE are what we do

Don't fret, it's a part of life

What one thinks determines what one speaks, feels, and eventually what one does.

Whichever way you wish to interpret it, the same conclusion is reached. If we speak or think evil, we eventually do evil. If we think inappropriately we will eventually start to speak and act inappropriately.

How we THINK determines that which we do in our daily lives, which is what we are judged on and remembered by.

Too truly change, WE (the world) needs to change its thinking. Once we are able to preside over our thoughts will we be able to master our actions. This is NO easy feat, but it is achievable. Banishing negative thoughts and replacing them with that which is positive requires baby steps in the right direction to renew a tormented human race.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Kids do the darndest things

Aspiring Picasso OR Aspiring Pain

Kiddies’ art is always most fascinating when the canvas is the face of someone else. This is the case with my nephew and niece. Both of them have a penchant for drawing on the other’s face. My niece has especially taken to face art gracing her own with colourful palette, as well as her cousin’s with grandma’s lipstick. I can’t see why it’s important for them to do such things.

Development OR plain disobedient?

I’ve been told that it’s all part of their personal development, and expression of self. Whether it’s ‘write’ or wrong, is the prerogative of the parent (and parenting style). I would just hope that the parent is able to discern between ‘development’ and crossing a line where such behavior is harmful to the child or others.

Are parents still adopting a strict disciplinarian approach with their kids, OR has it been left up to the world through the expression of self to teach a child proper moral and values?

We are afraid of the wrong things

Who needs soul food?

WE have become overly concerned with the wrong things in life. Instead of focusing on the state of our moral standing (in the eyes of God), we’re pre occupied with money, possessions and status to name just a few. As a Christian, I have my faults, however I strive to attain perfection and thus openly denouncing the path society has lead us to believe is Ok.

I am by no means trying to sway you toward to Christianity, but I need to inform you that the Bible does warn us that man would walk this path (signs that we are nearing the end of days); where corruption, incest, murder , rape is considered a (normal) way of life.  Are we crazy to accept and believe this? Instead of being afraid of losing a job or not reaching 2000 tweets in a year, we should be more afraid of ourselves for living in a world where WE often cast a blind eye to such mayhem.


Thursday, 8 March 2012

Magical Mistoffelees!

An animal? Who said I'm just an animal?

Its 5.30am and I hear her meowing at my bedside; and I know its breakfast time. I get up wondering whether I’ll ever get a chance to sleep past 05h30, while Oreo follows me to her bowl.  

I’m a HUGE animal lover but have admittedly never owned a cat in my life. I now see why the pharaohs loved them as much. They are loaded with personality. People who don’t care much for cats have evidently never had one as a companion.

Oreo is a caregiver (to my wife and me), a clown and philanthropist (sharing her food with other cats).

Without training, kittens instinctively know how use a litter box, and are often embarrassed IF they mess outside the box. They instinctively know how to hunt, how to protect themselves and how to groom themselves. The long and the short of it is, unlike puppies (dogs), cats have etiquette.

They have a regal air about themselves, and are shy, but never obnoxious or noisy. But I’m certain that whatever your preference, your pet is magical in its own right.

Fish falling from the sky

It was a catchy ad campaign. It’s not always the case, but some tv ads are surprisingly based on fact. Fish falling from the sky is a phenomenon that has actually happened; as early as the 19th Century and as recently as January, 2012 in the Philippines. So what causes fish to fall from the sky? The brainiacs are still out on that one. Maybe there’s a sea in the sky; who knows, but believers of signs do consider this a bad omen.

I don’t think I’d ever want to witness such an occurrence. It’d be too weird. HOWEVER, IF fish were ever to fall from the sky, then it better be marshmallow fish, YUMMY. Marshmallow fish = MY weakness. I’m certain all grownups have their weakness. All I know is that every now and again I look to the big sea and the sky and wonder...

Image: http://www. and http://www.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Hard work and dedication + tons of love

If you want to achieve some really big and interesting goals, you have to learn to fall in love with hard work. -   Steve Pavlina

My 13 year old nephew who’s not only a wildlife enthusiast but also a handy cricketer has been selected to play in a night cricket tournament in Gauteng for the past two cricket seasons. In the last few weeks, Liam has proved himself a vital cog in his teams bowling attack.

Growing up, he and I spent many hours playing cricket in the driveway. It was here that the fundamental bowling and batting techniques were learnt, as well as the premise of hard work and dedication was instilled. It was through this process that we not only grew to love the game, but learnt that greatness can be achieved through love, dedication and drive.

What made all the cricketing greats like Sachin Tendulkar, Viv Richards and Donald Bradman masters of their game was the fact that they loved the hard work of their trade. Are we able to confidently say that we're on our way to becoming masters of what we do?