If you want to achieve some really big and interesting goals, you have to learn to fall in love with hard work. - Steve Pavlina

Growing up, he and I spent many hours playing cricket in the driveway. It was here that the fundamental bowling and batting techniques were learnt, as well as the premise of hard work and dedication was instilled. It was through this process that we not only grew to love the game, but learnt that greatness can be achieved through love, dedication and drive.
What made all the cricketing greats like Sachin Tendulkar, Viv Richards and Donald Bradman masters of their game was the fact that they loved the hard work of their trade. Are we able to confidently say that we're on our way to becoming masters of what we do?
I agree that we need to set our minds on hard work if we want to achieve. Nothing comes cheap! It will cost us.