Houston; We have a problem! |
Realistically speaking, this would be an exercise in futility, but this will never stop people from chasing an elusive dream or goal, or the infamous Holy Grail, the magical unicorn, or as it is also commonly known, Pie in the Sky.
It’s safe to say that we’ve all encountered the eternal big dreamer or big talker. They’re always aspiring to something really extravagant OR always buying the newest M3 when in fact they’re still struggling to pay off the current Mazda 323. Such folk boast about that which is often beyond their means, always chasing two rabbit at the same time. There isn’t anything wrong with dreaming BIG or aspiring toward a better life, but If you’re going to do so and speak about it, at the very least let it be realistic. Someone once taught me that it’s best to live beneath one’s means; never being brazen enough to talk about accomplishments (owning a mansion, the million rand car or the CEO’s job) until you’ve actually attained it.
Moral of the story, dream and dream BIG, but don’t lose sight of reality. Continue to plan, plan and plan some more, until you’ve devised the perfect strategy to catch those two rabbits at the same time.
Good post... lots of sense in it.