So much to do, so little time. |
Realistically speaking this would take way too much time. So what I’ve scaled down my Top 100 into MY Top 20. They’re far more realistic and I am certain that I can achieve them before I croak. In nor order of importance, they are:
1. Sky dive (because this is something insane I have always dreamt of)
2. Swim with sharks (because they are majestic misunderstood animals of the deep)
3. Swim with crocodiles (because they’re the most unassuming predators)
4. Travel to Turkey (because it is a treasure trove of both European and Middle Eastern history)
5. Name my unborn son – Jesse (who was the father of Kind David in the Bible)
6. Bungee jump from the Bloukraans bridge (this should actually be last on the list)
7. Drive a race car (to experience the exhilaration of high speed in a monitored environment)
8. Be able to spend another Christmas with my entire family (because they’re special)
9. Be able to lead someone to the Lord (and have them experience the love of the Lord)
10. To cheer for my football team at a live game (because MY blood is BLUE. Chelsea forever)
11. To have lived a life in accordance with God’s will and purpose for my life.
12. Treat myself and my wife to a super luxury holiday (to Istanbul in Turkey)
13. Wake up in a tent along the Amazon River (I love camping and the Amazon is the ideal campsite)
14. Own another motorbike – my dream bike (a CBR 600F – nothing extravagant)
15. Help the less fortunate with their basic needs (I try to do so daily)
16. Help the youth of our country make wise choices (because unwise choices are killing our youth)
17. To live in the countryside (and wake up to the sound of birds chirping and NOT hearing any cars)
18. Learn to surf (because the appeal is so strong despite the fear of the ocean being numbing)
19. Overcome my fear of propeller planes (from which I will jump – killing two birds with 1 jump)
20. Win the lotto (and donate it to worthy charities because there are many who are in dire need)