Wednesday 24 October 2012

Who do you love and what are you doing about it?

Not all supermen wear a cape!
I love my wife. And maybe I don’t tell her often enough, but in those times that I fail to tell her I always try my best to show her exactly how much I love and appreciate her. As a typical male, showing emotion can sometimes be a little daunting, so instead of being all mushy, I undertake to do little for her that would make her life easier. One often underestimates the value of the simple things in life and the value that someone else places on those things. In our situation, I would make sure that my wife’s car is always in suitable (mechanical) condition or I'll tfix something that has stopped working around the house. This is just one expression of my outward love that I have for her. I know she appreciates it, and the fact that she appreciates it, makes me want to do more for her. 

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